Comfrey Uses & Comfrey Poultice Demonstration

Описание к видео Comfrey Uses & Comfrey Poultice Demonstration

Comfrey has been used as a medicinal herb for over 2,000 years. Commonly known as knitbone, Comfrey has powerful wound - healing properties.

Comfrey is a fast-growing plant, and produces large amounts of leaf during the growing season.

Both the leaves and root can be used externally, most commonly in the form of a poultice.

The main healing element in Comfrey is the small organic molecule Allantoin which greatly speeds up tissue growth. It is know as one of the best cell proliferants in the herb kingdom. It has been used to heal cuts, abrasions, burns, ulcerations, bruises, and many other skin, muscle, ligament and bone conditions.

The high mucilage content of Comfrey, moisturizes and soothes the skin, while the allantoin helps regeneration.


Desley Bailey and Eva Liao demonstrate how to make a simple comfrey poultice at Eastward Missionary College


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