Yale NLP/LLM Interest Group - Session 7 Qianqian Xie

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Speaker Bio:

Dr. Qianqian Xie is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Section of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, School of Medicine, Yale University. Her research interests are natural language processing and its application in medicine. She has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications. Her research has been published in leading conferences and journals, such as ACL, KDD, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING, BioNLP, WWW, ICDM, TOIS, TKDE, IEEE JBHI, Bioinformatics, JBI, among others
Title: Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Title of Talk: Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and LLaMA have hinted at their potential to revolutionize medical applications, yet their application in clinical settings often reveals limitations due to a lack of specialized training on medical-specific data. In this presentation, I will introduce the research work of Me LLaMA,a novel medical large language model (LLM) family specifically designed to push the frontiers of medical applications. Me LLaMA models are developed through continual pre-training and instruction tuning of LLaMA2 using large medical datasets. Our comprehensive evaluation, leveraging a new medical benchmark across 6 critical NLP tasks, showcases Me LLaMA's superior performance over existing open-sourced medical LLMs, rendering it an attractive choice for medical AI applications.


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