GBO2 RX-78-2 Gundam: This hammer takes no prisoners!

Описание к видео GBO2 RX-78-2 Gundam: This hammer takes no prisoners!

This video contains two recent matches I had with the LV1 RX-78 Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 400 cost general with solid durability, high melee priority if using the beam saber and access to the very uniquely powerful Hyper Hammer. Its weaknesses would be mediocre melee damage with beam saber, only 50 power vulcans as a sub weapon, below average boosting speed and a high heat primary if using either beam rifle. This suit has a lot of potential if you can master the hyper hammer, but it is unfortunately painfully average to the point of not being worth using at all if you do not use the hammer. In these matches I wasn't using the hammer to the fullest potential since I lack the proper experience to go around side swinging people, but I still think it went well. I hope that you enjoy watching!

The Gundam can choose from a beam rifle, beam rifle with grenade launcher and hyper bazooka for primary weapons. The beam rifle has 2 seconds focus time and good damage, but high 90% heat when charged for a stun. The grenade launcher (super napalm) beam rifle has the same stats other than the focus time being increased to 6 seconds, though it gains a 4 seconds cooldown, 4 ammo and 20 seconds reload grenade launcher in return. The hyper bazooka has 1250 power, 10 ammo, 6.7 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds reload, 1.7 seconds swap time, 375m range and 80% stagger value. This is completely standard as far as bazookas go, the strength lays in the consistency it offers for going into melee. It also has the benefit of enough stagger value to combo into 10 vulcan shots to break LV1 Maneuver Armor, though this is ineffective against some 400 cost raids which have the LV2 version of this skill.
It can choose between a beam saber or hyper hammer for primary weapons. The beam saber has standard modifiers and only 1900 power, so using it just turns the Gundam into an inferior version of other bazooka+melee generals at this same cost. The hyper hammer has 2650 power, 4 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap time, 120% side swing modifier and 200% downswing modifier. This has long cooldown but insanely high power with fast swap time. It heavy staggers on neutral or side swings; the neutral swing goes straight forward but is slow, while the side swing is very fast with good damage albeit with an extremely difficult to learn tip hit hurtbox. The downswing starts with a fully damaging and near instant start-up close range swing before launching a long range downwards slam. It isn't a confirmed combo to go from stun to a long ranged downswing if they have a dodge roll, but the near instant downswing at close up still does the full 200% damage and can even hit other enemies if the longer range part connects. It even has a hitbox while the hammer retracts back into itself. This weapon is basically what makes the Gundam, so mastering it is required to get the most out of it, though even just abusing the close range downswing is good enough most of the time.
Its only sub weapon is a 50 power head vulcan with 372 DPS and 2% stagger value. The only use of this is to finish off extremely low HP enemies or to break LV1 MA in combination with your bazooka.

The LV1 Gundam has 15000 HP and 15 in every resist. The resistances are pretty average but the HP is a little above average. You are perfectly suitable for frontline duty so don't be afraid to get up there. Its only defensive skill is LV1 Emergency Evasion.
It also has 130 walking speed, 180 boosting speed, 60 thrust and 60 turning speed. This is pretty average mobility other than the boosting speed, which is about 5-10 lower than other 400 cost generals. This can be a bit annoying since you need to get close to use the hammer but still doable.

Overall I think that while the Gundam definitely isn't bad if you can use the hammer properly, this weapon is completely carrying it while leaving the other loadout choices ineffective. I would rework the Gundam by adding 70% combo modifier to the beam saber, +10 boosting speed to match Hizack/GM Dominance, 90% side strafing/80% back strafing speed to be inbetween the standard 80%/70% and the high 100%/90% speed of G3/Alex, +5 walking/+3 turning speed at LV2, another +5 walking/+3 turning speed at LV3, add the Prototype Gundam double beam sabers as an alternate primary but with 30% combo modifier, replace vulcans with the 20 hit stun ones from High Boost GM, drop beam rifle cooldown to 1.5 seconds, heat rate to 45%, charged heat to 80% and buff the uncharged stagger value to 50%. This is a pretty large list of buffs but the Gundam outside of the hyper hammer is very mediocre and seems to need a big rework. The Gundam is still fine in todays environment if you become adept with the hammer, but otherwise is very much obsolete. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjjoyed it!

Music used:

Ace Combat 2, Into The GEO

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing Is Possible


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