福山へ避難のウクライナ人家族 母国語で交流Ukrainian refugee families in Fukuyama come together at winery

Описание к видео 福山へ避難のウクライナ人家族 母国語で交流Ukrainian refugee families in Fukuyama come together at winery

放送日 2022/9/5 Aired on September 5, 2022

福山へ避難のウクライナ人家族 母国語で交流Ukrainian refugee families in Fukuyama come together at winery

Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT

On September 4, a large bus arrived at a winery in northern Fukuyama City.
On that bus were nine people from five Ukrainian refugee families in Fukuyama and their relatives.

Hold my hand.
See? Friends already!

Each family came to Fukuyama separately in the period of March to July 2022. Some of these families are meeting for the first time today. The outing was organized by the City of Fukuyama and an international exchange organization to help deepen the ties of friendship between the Ukrainian refugees by harvesting grapes used to make wine with local residents.

It's been about five months since this family came to Fukuyama from Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Viktoriia's daughter, Sofia, who was still crawling the last time we met,just turned one last month and is getting better and better at walking on her own.

【Viktoriia Katrych (23) From Mykolaiv】
All in Japan! Walking, sitting --
Growing teeth! All in Japan. I think soon Sofia (will) start speaking Japanese language!

The first place the group visited with the winery staff was their two hectares of vineyards. Using scissors, they delicately cut down the grapes.

【Viktoriia's mother, Tetiana Katrych (50) 】
Let's see who can cut down the grapes fastest!

【Hanna Semenenko (39) From Kharkiv】
It's so much fun (harvesting grapes)! We were growing grapes at my house back in Ukraine but I haven't gotten to try them yet.

Q: Because of the war?
Yes, because of the war.

Little Sofia, with her seven baby teeth, is full of curiosity.
There's one left; you want to try?
Looks like she loves these sweet, juicy grapes.

【Oleksander Malysh (15) From Donetsk】
They're so good!

Oleksander came to Japan in April to live with relatives in Fukuyama City. Right after he arrived in Japan, he was terrified of loud noises in the city as they reminded him of the war. But now, he's used to his life in Japan and
has even joined a gym for weight training.

I'm having so much fun, I'll never forget this.

【Junji Satō Director of the Citizens Affairs Division The City of Fukuyama】
There are lots of people in Ukraine who have a special affinity for grapes, so I'm glad they were able to feel that connection to home here. I hope they can forget about all the bad things happening for just one day and enjoy themselves.

And now what they've all been waiting for: a special curry lunch at the winery. The rice was steamed in a wood-burning stove. The families are all smiles as they enjoy a lovely meal and speak to each other in their native language.

【Viktoriia's mother, Tetiana Katrych (50) 】
It's all so delicious.

【Daria Besechalynykh (23) From Odesa】
It's good! It's spicy for me.
(We talked about) our cities in Ukraine, about the war, how everyone came to Japan. I feel happier. There isn't enough communication between Ukrainians here, so it's very heartful.

While the families enjoyed spending time with others from their homeland, each of them continues to worry about the family members left behind in Ukraine.

【Viktoriia Katrych (23) From Mykolaiv】
Many people go to hospital and (my father in Ukraine) is working 24 hours. And sometimes only has contact with us once per week. I hope the war stops soon and all the people can lead safe lives and good lives. That's my only dream.

【Hanna Semenenko (39) From Kharkiv】
The biggest dream I have right now is for the war to end. That, and to be with my whole family. Q: Do you miss your Dad?

【Yeva (5)】Hanna's daughter"
I miss him so much.

【Hanna Semenenko (39) From Kharkiv】
We all miss him.

It's been more than six months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. With no solution in sight, the war shows signs of continuing for a prolonged period of time. Fukuyama City is preparing for this eventuality by focusing on offering language support and job support for the refugees.

【Junji Satō Director of the Citizens Affairs Division The City of Fukuyama】
(With the risk of a prolonged war) it's important to ensure the refugees can manage without support.
The biggest hurdle to that is the language barrier. I'm hoping that we can move to the next phase when it comes to learning Japanese and offering them support in finding a job that suits their language level. We hope to focus our support in those areas.

9月4日 福山市北部にあるワイナリーに到着した1台のバス。降りてきたのはウクライナから福山市に避難している5つの家族9人とその親族です。それぞれの家族は、今年3月から7月の間に別々に福山市に移住してきました。この日、初めて会う家族もいます。今回のイベントはワインの原料となるぶどうを地元の人たちと収穫し、ウクライナの人たちが互いの絆を深めてもらおうと、福山市と国際交流協会が企画しました。


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