パックマン / PuckMan Original pattern

Описание к видео パックマン / PuckMan Original pattern

パックマン / PuckMan (Japan set 1) ナムコ 1980 オリジナルパターン Player Retro-B 収録Ver MAME32 0.62 1面から4面までのオリジナルパターンです。特徴はフルーツ・イジケモンスターをすべて食べることが出来るというところでしょうか。途中で停止してはパターンになりませんので、殆ど止まる事無く動き続けています。そのため1面ごとのパターンは長めになっています。 

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/


CPU構成[Z80] 音源チップ[Namco]

世界的な大ヒットゲームとなり、また、世界的に有名なマスコットキャラクターとなった「パックマン」のオリジナル作品。 ルールの説明すらいらない気がするのだが、ここは念のため。 プレイヤーはパックマンを4方向レバーで操作し、性格の異なる4匹のモンスターをかわしながら、画面上のドット(クッキー)をすべて取れば1面クリア。 パワーエサを取ってモンスターに対して反撃が可能。 ある程度面をクリアすると、楽しいコーヒーブレイクが用意されている。 また、多数のフルーツボーナスが登場する。 80年5月からロケーションテストを開始、同年10月アメリカでもリリースされ、 そして2005年に1980年~87年の約7年間で29, 3822台を販売(ロイヤリティー含む)という、 業務用ゲーム機分野での販売台数が世界一となるギネス記録を残している。 ちなみに登場当時は「PUCK MAN」と書かれたが、 海外向けに許諾するに当たって「P」を「F」に取り替えるコピーヤーを封じ込めるため「PACMAN」と変更されている。

Puckman (c) 1980 Namco.

Puckman is the original Japanese version of "Pac-Man", the seminal and hugely influential arcade game in which the player guides the legendary Pac-Man around a single-screen maze eating dots. Pac-Man is constantly pursued in his task by four colored ghosts. Each ghost has its own unique personality and behavioural patterns and a single touch from any of the ghosts results in Pac-Man losing a life. When all of Pac-Man's lives are lost, the game is over. (The ghosts' names differ between the Japanese and U.S. versions of the game. See the 'Updates' section below for complete details on name/nickname combinations.)


The original Namco Puckman Upright model came in a white cabinet that may look familiar to most gamers. This cabinet is the same 'swoopy' design used for "Pac-Man" and "Galaxian". The only actual design difference was the coin door. The Japanese version had a tall coin door with a single coin mech, while the U.S. version, "Pac-Man", had a fat coin door with two coin mechs installed. However, the graphics on the Japanese machine were completely different from those of U.S. machine. The marquee had the 'Puckman' logo off to the right-hand side at an angle, and showed a scene with half a dozen cartoon Puckmen eating power pellets, with a few ghosts lingering off to the side. The monitor bezel was largely red and was of a circular design and had many Puckmen lounging around the perimeter of the circle. The control panel continued the reddish graphics and had instructions in Japanese, along with a yellow ball-top 4-Way joystick and Start buttons for each player. The sideart was a large circular sticker that advertised the game's name, and had many cartoon Puckmen in action around the edges of the circle, with the word Namco displayed prominently at the bottom. The cabinet was finished off with yellow t-molding on the edges.

A final bootleg/hack upright model was a complete fake, but there were a lot of them. They seemed to use converted Namco cabinets, painted white, and were decorated with very strange looking sideart that showed Puckmen and ghosts that looked nothing like the ones on any other Puckman/Pac-Man products (since when has Puckman had green frogs legs?). The marquee had an odd Puckman logo in yellow and orange, along with a picture of the blue ghost and the strange 'frog legged' Puckman.

Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Namco 3-channel WSG
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick


Dot : 10 points.
Power pill (energizer) : 50 points.
Ghosts : 200, 400, 800, 1600 points.
Cherry : 100 points.
Strawberry : 300 points.
Peach : 500 points.
Apple : 700 points.
Pineapple : 1000 points.
Galaxian : 2000 points.
Bell : 3000 points.
Key : 5000 points.


Designed by : Toru Iwatani
Programmed by : Hideyuki Mokajima
Music & Sound by : Toshio Kai


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