Working 12 Hours A Day Is Changing My Life

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The ironic thing is that you can see the bags under my eyes from working these long hours

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It was around a 1.5 yr ago that I started getting hardcore into personal development and entrepreneurship

And for better or worse, I’ve got this habit of getting obsessed over things that I get into for as long as I can remember

So for me, once I discovered the promises of personal development and business, it was just another thing for me to obsess over

When people hear that there are people that work 12 hour days, what do they imagine?
12 hours of monotonous, boring, life-draining, cubicle work

But it’s not like that for me…

I work 12 hour days because

1. I’ve never found something more fulfilling than working towards my dreams.

I spend every minute of my day knowing that everything that I’m doing no matter how big or small, how complex or trivial, all of that is being productive towards my goals

2. I view it as my ethical obligation to society to contribute as much as possible

We live in a world where the playing field is as level as it’s ever been

You’re not bound to the caste or social status you were born into

And because of this potential freedom that the world has never seen before, aren’t we obligated to make the most of it?

3. Is a more selfish reason.

Whether you like it or not, the world is still a competitive place

And there’s a statistical advantage to working 12 hours a day towards your goals vs the majority of people that put in, what? One hour a day on average outside of their day-to-day routine if we’re being generous?

On that scale alone, if you work 12 hours a day, you’ll be theoretically moving 12x faster towards your goals compared to the avg person

But that’s assuming progress is linear…

You’ve probably heard of compound interest

Where 1 penny doubled every day for 30 days straight may not sound like much, but from just one penny, it snowballs into over $5.3m

And I’ve found the same to be true for knowledge and progress

As you learn stuff, you start to stack knowledge and skills on top of each other

And before you know it, you’ve built up all this momentum and just like the penny, your progress starts to look like an exponential curve

It’s no surprise that working these long hours has contributed to the company I run as a young entrepreneur growing incredibly fast and this YouTube channel growing consistently but the biggest perk I’ve noticed from doing this is the sense of accomplishment you feel at the end of every day


💻 Viewer's of my channel get $40 OFF the "How To Build A SaaS App" course that helped me land my $40/hr job:

Copyright © 2019 Jake Tran. All rights reserved.

Music by Chillhop:
Nymano - Solitude [   / nymano   ]
FloFilz - Dulce [   / flofills   ]
Moods - Love For The City [   / moodsprod   ]
Listen on Spotify:

DISCLAIMER: These videos are for entertainment purposes only. This is not meant to be financial advice. Please always do your due diligence and never stop learning. Best of luck!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this webpage are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinions and comparisons whatsoever.


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