Presented by the U.S. Army and its Chemical Corps, The Chemical Biological Radiation Story (M.F.3 9027) shows viewers how the U.S. army is developing its chemical, biological and radiation capabilities from both the aggressive and the defensive standpoints. The film follows a professor who tours the military’s CBR facilities and programs while also working as a consultant to the military. The film opens with a shot of a plane coming in for a landing, followed by an airport terminal and a Capital Airlines plane on the tarmac. People exit the Capital Airlines plane (01:25). The film’s central character, a professor, goes to the Department of the Army Chief Chemical Officer building (02:04). The professor examines a chemical gas mask (03:05). He then meets with the Army’s Chief Chemical Officer and other consultants (03:27). Men put on gas masks and suits to protect against chemical attacks (05:25). The film reviews some of the developments of chemical warfare, including flame throwers, incendiary materials, and obscuring smoke (06:05). A patient is lying on a hospital bed, apparently struggling with the effects from some sort of biological attack. A mushroom cloud forms in the aftermath of the detonation of a nuclear bomb (06:44). The film appears to show the 1956 Communist Party Congress in Moscow (07:39). There are scenes of destruction from war—cities, streets, and bridges are reduced to rubble. The film shows U.S. steel mills and industrial plants (10:37). The professor visits the Army Chemical Center at Edgewood, MD (11:30). The professor and the colonel visit the center’s museum to look at enemy CBR equipment (12:02), including German and Japanese gas masks, incendiary bombs, and Soviet chemical bombs. German Zeppelins fly in the sky (13:34) prior to WWI; Germans fire chlorine gas cannisters on British forces during WWI (13:42). The film presents scenes of London being attacked with incendiary bombs dropped by Nazi planes. The film then takes viewers to the U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories (14:35), where it shows a scientist conducting tests as part of ongoing research. The professor and colonel visit a lab where chemical agents are prepared (15:19). A man builds a model device to carry a chemical agent (15:41). Another man shows the professor a new light-weight protective gas mask (16:30), as well as an infant protector and masks designed for hospital patients. A woman tests clothes treated with a chemical to repel other chemicals should it come into contact with them (17:22). Employees at the Chemical Warfare Laboratories install diffusion barriers in the office during a mock chemical attack on the building (18:05). The film then takes viewers to the Directorate of Medical Research at Edgewood; inside, biochemists conduct research and study the effects of CBR attacks on the human body. A scientist conducts a test with a cat and a mouse by introducing a harmless chemical agent that changes that cat’s attitude (19:57). A woman shows the professor how they detect chemical agents in water and food (21:08). A person puts an artificial respirator on another person during a simulation (22:25). The film then shows the entrance to Fort Detrick (23:21), where the biological warfare laboratories are located. Scientists conduct research on biological agents (23:50). Volunteer test subjects (25:04) take an elevator up to test rooms where they are connected to gas masks to test their reaction to an aerosol compound. A nurse gives a vaccine to a man (28:02). An employee injects eggs with a long syringe (28:30) in a protective setting. The film shows a part of Fort McClellan’s campus (20:27); here, the professor observes students as they learn about CBR issues. Students participate in calibration exercises to determine radiological impact (31:01). What appears to be a Boeing C-97 Stratofreighter flies through the sky. The Chemical Field Corps holds testing trials at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah (33:00). A rocket is fired into the sky. In another test, a plane drops a gas and then men record data from sampling devices located throughout a field (33:45). Radioactive waste is processed at Dugway’s processing station (34:25). The film ends with the professor returning to the Army’s Chemical Corps building.


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