Leicester Pride 2024 - The Movie (Official)

Описание к видео Leicester Pride 2024 - The Movie (Official)

The Leicester Pride -The movie

Filmed on Saturday 31st August at Abbey Park.

Our constant commitment to highlighting issues important in our community features heavily through all aspects of our city's festival.

From our Trans siblings and their allies leading this year's parade, to our speaker today Katie Neeves on the Main Stage, which also boasts a non-binary radio broadcaster and an openly gay footballer.

Times are changing. We here at Leicester Pride are dedicated to the liberation and equality of all our LGBTQIA+ kin.

We will not step aside and deny our duty to educate and improve lives when around the world, members of our community continue to be oppressed and silenced because of their desire to live authentically and free from hate.

14 countries in the world still have the death penalty for gay sex, 5 of which regularly carry it out.

The mainstream media continues to highlight the repression and roll back in America, with its “don't say gay' bill and the stripping away of women's reproductive rights with Roe V Wade being repealed.

All this seems to point in one direction, but it only paints half the story.

There are incredible movements across the globe who fly the flag for freedom, championing trans rights and social media outlets who provide safe online spaces.

There are also TV shows dedicated to the art of drag and it's only going to get bigger and better.

Remember, Pride is a protest, first and foremost.

WE must stand shoulder to shoulder declaring in one voice a message of defiance, positivity and change. Ultimately, Trans youth must hear the message from all our mouths.


With the arrival of a new government, so too comes the promise of replenished hope.

The King's speech laid out, with renewed effort, the banning of conversion therapies across the country.

This ban is fully trans-inclusive.

Things are changing. Things will get better.


Video by Leicester Media - LM News

©️ 2024 Leicester Media Online



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