CLEARING BRUSH WITH SHEEP PART1 | Starting a Farm From Scratch | Mark Shepard

Описание к видео CLEARING BRUSH WITH SHEEP PART1 | Starting a Farm From Scratch | Mark Shepard

Thinking about starting a farm from scratch? You don't need to own the land or have a barn or expensive machinery. You DO need solar powered electric sheep netting! Here's the process of preparing to set it up, setting it up and moving the sheep in... check back for what the area looks like after the sheep have done their brush clearing job for a few days!

Starting a farm from scratch is an ongoing series of me sharing what I'm learning from implementing start up farming strategies from Greg Judy, Joel Salatin and other regenerative agriculture mentors.

Let me know your questions in the comments section below!

- Mark

This Channel is my Video Log (aka Vlog) as I pursue a sustainable, regenerative vision for organic local food, medicinal herbs, Land Stewardship, self healing and spirituality.
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