NEcology #72 - The Search for Springbeauties

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"Spring Beauty" is something we all search for by the time May comes around, but it is also the common name of a number of species in the genus Claytonia! These early bloomers are common in Appalachia, but for whatever reason, become quite rare as one reaches New England. On behest of a friend, I set out to find these these wonderful ephemerals and get them a bit more recognition here in New England.

Plants of interest:
Trillium erectum - "Red Trillium"
Arisaema triphyllum - "Jack-in-the-Pulpit"
Viburnum lantanoides - "Hobblebush"
Anemonoides quinquefolia - "Wood Anemone"
Claytonia virginica - "Virginia Springbeauty"


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