NEcology #78 - Forest Ephemeral Roundup

Описание к видео NEcology #78 - Forest Ephemeral Roundup

Spring is "wildflower season" in much of the northeastern United States simply because that is the time the forest ephemerals come out for a brief time! These plants do as much as they can while the trees are still mostly leafless, then return to ground for much of the year.

Plants of interest:
Polygaloides paucifolia - "Gaywings"
Lysimachia borealis - "Starflower"
Uvularia sessilifolia - "Sessile-leaved Bellwort"
Equisteum arvense - "Field Horsetail"
Anemonoides quinquefolia - "Wood Anemone"
Cypripedium acaule - "Pink Lady's Slipper"
Aralia nudicaulis - "Wild Sarsaparilla"


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