Nutrition and Cancer | CHEF AJ LIVE! with Robert Breakey, M.D.

Описание к видео Nutrition and Cancer | CHEF AJ LIVE! with Robert Breakey, M.D.



Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The content of this podcast is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issue without consulting your doctor. Always seek medical advice before making any lifestyle changes

In 1964 Dr. Luther Terry, the Surgeon General of the United States, presented a landmark report: “Smoking and Health” where he clearly demonstrated that Lung cancer was causally related to a common Lifestyle choice: smoking cigarettes. Fast forward to 1983 when we saw the release of another significant report funded by the NIH: “Diet, Nutrition and Cancer”. Here, the committee reported that emerging evidence was suggesting that the American Diet was also a key contributor to many of our 500,000+ cancer deaths in America each year. In the ensuing 39 years thousands of additional studies now clearly demonstrate that one’s diet plays a critical role in both the risk for acquiring many of our most common cancers, and in the risk of having a recurrence of a cancer previously diagnosed. In this seminar Dr. Breakey will review how and why adopting a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle is one of the best things we can do to lower our risk of falling victim to this widely feared and all too often fatal disease.

Dr. Breakey is a fifth-generation graduate from the University of Michigan Medical School and has been a Lifestyle Medicine Family Physician in Ann Arbor for 37 years. He has a special interest in preventive medicine and supporting patients in optimizing the natural healing processes that we all have within us. He is Board certified in Lifestyle Medicine and serves as the Medical Director for his medical group’s “IHA William J. Fileti Center for Lifestyle Medicine”. He is also Chairman of the Board for the national organization “Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group” and on the Board of Directors for the “Plant-Based Prevention of Disease” (P-POD) organization.

00:00 Guest introduction and Dr. Breakey's background with Q & A
0:10:00 Continued Chef AJ Q & A
0:15:40 Slide show presentation - Nutrition and Cancer: A Lifestyle Medicine Approach
1:01:18 Chef AJ and viewer Q & A
1:32:20 What Dr. Breakey eats in a day plus more Q & A
1:42:35 Final thoughts and show wrap


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