The Cippus of Horus -- Episode 7 -- Egyptian Object Stories

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-- Further reading --

👉Bresciani, Edda 1998. Isis lactans et Horus sur les crocodiles. In Clarysse, Willy, Antoon Schoors, and Harco Willems (eds), Egyptian religion: the last thousand years. Studies dedicated to the memory of Jan Quaegebeur: part I, 57-60. Leuven: Peeters.
👉Collier, Mark 2016. The sting of the scorpion. In Price, Campbell, Roger Forshaw, Andrew Chamberlain, and Paul T. Nicholson (eds), Mummies, magic and medicine in ancient Egypt: multidisciplinary essays for Rosalie David, 102-114. Manchester: Manchester University.
👉Draycott, Jane 2011. Size matters: reconsidering Horus on the crocodiles in miniature. Pallas - revue d'études antiques 86, 123-133.
👉Gasse, Annie 1992. Une nouvelle stèle d'Horus sur les crocodiles. Revue d'égyptologie 43, 207-210.
👉----- 2004. Les stèles d'Horus sur les crocodiles. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux.
👉Ismail, Khaled Essam 2020. The Ptolemaic and Roman periods. In Shaw, Ian and Elizabeth Bloxam (eds), The Oxford handbook of Egyptology, 744-760. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
👉Leahy, Tony 2020. Egypt in the Late Period. In Shaw, Ian and Elizabeth Bloxam (eds), The Oxford handbook of Egyptology, 720-743. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
👉Lloyd, Alan B. 2000a. The Late Period (664-332 BC). In Shaw, Ian (ed.), The Oxford history of ancient Egypt, 369-394. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
👉----- 2000b. The Ptolemaic period (332-30 BC). In Shaw, Ian (ed.), The Oxford history of ancient Egypt, 395-421. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
👉Kákosy, László and Ahmed M. Moussa 1998. A Horus stela with Meret goddesses. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 25, 143-159.
👉Nyord, Rune 2020. Texts for healing and protection. In Shaw, Ian and Elizabeth Bloxam (eds), The Oxford handbook of Egyptology, 1041-1054. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
👉Price, Campbell 2016. On the function of "healing" statues. In Price, Campbell, Roger Forshaw, Andrew Chamberlain, and Paul T. Nicholson (eds), Mummies, magic and medicine in ancient Egypt: multidisciplinary essays for Rosalie David, 169-182. Manchester: Manchester University.
👉Ritner, Robert K. 1989. Horus on the crocodiles: a juncture of religion and magic in late dynastic Egypt. In Anonymous (ed.), Religion and philosophy in ancient Egypt, 103-116. New Haven: Yale Egyptological Seminar, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Graduate School.
👉Robins, Gay 2000. The art of ancient Egypt. London: The British Museum Press.
👉Saeed, Essam el- 2016. Magico-medical aspects of the mythology of Osiris. In Price, Campbell, Roger Forshaw, Andrew Chamberlain, and Paul T. Nicholson (eds), Mummies, magic and medicine in ancient Egypt: multidisciplinary essays for Rosalie David, 115-123. Manchester: Manchester University.
👉Satzinger, Helmut 2002. "Horus auf den Krokodilen": Stele oder Statue? In Schmitz, Bettina (ed.), Festschrift Arne Eggebrecht: zum 65. Geburtstag am 12. März 2000, 85-88. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg.


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