
Описание к видео 聯合國有必要存在嗎?每年花上百億美元,卻什麼事都做不好?|志祺七七

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✦ \\ 芒狗狗 MangoPup https://mangopup.com //✦

▹ 《愛玉的神奇變身秘密》大受孩子歡迎第一名
▹ 《芒狗狗在哪裡?》每天都想玩的尋寶遊戲書

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#聯合國 #UnitedNations

00:00 開頭
01:34 【芒狗狗Mangopup】廣告段落
02:09 聯合國:生於戰爭,旨在和平
03:10 聯合國是怎麼運作的?
04:35 聯合國的成就?
05:30 聯合國的失敗?
06:47 聯合國的困境:過時的權力結構
07:57 聯合國,該何去何從?
09:17 我們的觀點
11:04 問題
11:31 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→BBC調查:聯合國存在廣泛性侵指控 舉報者稱遭到開除:https://bbc.in/3vec4D9
→聯合國成立75週年 是否還有存在必要?:https://bit.ly/3OCjC9z
→At 75, is the United Nations still relevant or necessary?:https://bit.ly/3vcKCG4
→Security Council reform: why it matters and why it's not happening:https://bit.ly/3csRvMK
→Essays on a 21st century multilateralism that works for all:https://brook.gs/3J1jFe2
→The United Nations At 75: It Has Never Been More Needed Nor Under Greater Threat:https://bit.ly/3BkdCj7
→The Limitations and Capabilities of the United Nations in Modern Conflict:https://bit.ly/3z5Kd9p
→The UN Turns Seventy-Five. Here's How to Make it Relevant Again.:https://on.cfr.org/3J19AxR
→Will Ukraine’s tragedy spur UN Security Council reform?:https://brook.gs/3cGWNEI
→UN agencies 'broke and failing' in face of ever-growing refugee crisis:https://bit.ly/3zpEpYL
→70 years and half a trillion dollars later: what has the UN achieved?:https://bit.ly/3zvesYV
→United Nations Chief Exposes Limits to His Authority by Citing Saudi Threat:https://nyti.ms/3cEWIBm

【 延伸閱讀 】


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