老爸為愛衝動買房!兒子:沒問過我就要搬家...【誰來晚餐14-30】|Guess Who: All Heart - Master of All (Eng Sub)

Описание к видео 老爸為愛衝動買房!兒子:沒問過我就要搬家...【誰來晚餐14-30】|Guess Who: All Heart - Master of All (Eng Sub)

► 益祥多才多藝,更喜歡照顧人,連家裡的客房都規劃成通鋪,方便親友借住。


 ► 他跟老婆小誌,兩個小孩還有岳母,一起住在永和26坪舊公寓。益祥居然又把跟家人零互動的岳父請來同住。


 ► 三房兩廳的公寓裡,住著四個大人兩個青少年,空間實在有點不夠用了。一年多前小誌罹癌,讓益祥決定改變壓抑的家庭氣氛,他決定帶老婆小孩搬去山上,把市區的房子留給岳父岳母住。


 ► 問題還沒解決,一意孤行的益祥,又把在高雄獨居的媽媽接上來一起生活?生活習慣不一樣的阿嬤與孫子,同處一屋簷下,兩方會引發家庭衝突嗎?

 ► 神秘嘉賓是誰? 讓益祥一家都很有收穫呢?

 🏠 公視 誰來晚餐14-30:愛屋及烏的我 卻常挖坑給自己跳
   All Heart - Master of All

| 5/26(五)21:00|公視首播
| 誰來晚餐YT 同步直播
| 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣

It's said: "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." A make-up artist, mountain guide, plumber, and tech worker, Simon is the proverbial jack of all trades with countless skills. A man of zip and zing, if he's not redecorating his home or out on a week-long mountain trek, he's sharing his time and skills to help others. Thankfully, Simon's wife, Nancy, is a homely Capricorn who balances Simon’s free and spontaneous character with support and stability. In this episode, we meet Simon and Nancy as they navigate the choppy waters of raising two pubescent teenagers. How did Simon's childhood experiences forge his outlook on life? What difficulties have Simon’s altruistic tendencies caused the family? And how did a wrongly cooked egg spark a battle across the generations? Let's find out!


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