Описание к видео AK刘彰 巴士站MV- AK LIUZHANG BUS STOP [Official MV]


Primary Artists: AK LiuZhang
Performed by: AK LiuZhang
Writer(s): AK LiuZhang
Arranged by: Kas$
Produced by: Kas$
Recorded by: ZongYuan Li
Recorded at: Studio21A @ Beijing, China
Mixed by: TUJZ
Mastered by: TUJZ
Mastered at: TUJZ MIXING STUDIO 025

我进入巴士站 随便选了个空位坐下
I entered the bus stop and randomly chose an empty seat to sit down
雨点越来越大 伴着湿冷空气落下
The rain grew heavier, accompanied by the descent of damp, cold air
一位阿姨她 抓着我问她该怎么走
A auntie grabbed me and asked for directions
但我不敢回答 尽管她握住我的手
But I dare not answer, even though she held my hand

我说在这个站台 没多少人能够看清楚
I said in this station, not many people can see clearly
Most of flying information come from parrots imitating speech
The bus information sign next to the platform is just a blank white
I don't know which bus will come here

someone just arrived at the station, and his bus arrived right on time
Those who have waited for years are ironically portrayed as somewhat ridiculous
坚守或更换线路 该怎么选才好呢
Deciding whether to stick to the same route or change, which one is better?
While someone is born with someone else preparing a race car for him

跑车经过我身旁 听呼啸的声浪
A race car passes by me, hearing the roaring sound
后座狗腿 嘴里都是马屁夸主人真棒
The flattery in the backseat, praising the owner endlessly
物欲横流的时代 所有人不择手段的前进
In an era of rampant materialism, everyone advances by any means necessary
Dignity is so cheap

那被塞满的巴士里 填充着拥挤的梦
that crowded bus is filled with crowded dreams
少年和他自己 迷茫地向前移动
The youth and himself move forward in confusion
攥着没法退的车票 轻哼着歌
holding onto a non-refundable ticket, humming a song
Like he knows
like he knows

那被塞满的巴士里 填充着拥挤的梦
that crowded bus is filled with crowded dreams
少年和他 自己迷茫地向前移动
The youth and himself move forward in confusion
攥着没法退的车票 轻哼着歌
holding onto a non-refundable ticket, humming a song
Like he knows
like he knows
what he’s gonna do
what he’s gonna do
like he knows like he knows
like he knows like he knows
An excuse that convinces oneself

投机者很浮躁 因为他总等不到
Speculators are restless because they always wait in vain
看哪里势头正好 就以为能够挣到
They think they can make money wherever the momentum is right
看哪里巴士刚过站 就急着往哪里奔跑
They rush towards wherever the bus has just passed

可巴士刚刚才来过 下一趟再来该多久呢
But the bus has just come, how long until the next one?
The young person waits for the bus, but misses it when it arrives
短视频吸引眼球 他跟着节奏点头
Short videos catch his attention, he nods along with the rhythm
Only when he sees the taillights does he start to worry, tapping his legs

But fate doesn't favor those who lack patience
After all these years, they still wait for that slight change
They envy the young people who are unaware of their fortune
But the next bus at the station isn't their route either

巴士里 填充着拥挤的梦
That crowded bus is filled with crowded dreams
看他自己 迷茫地向前移动
Watching him move forward in confusion by himself
攥着没法退的车票 轻哼着歌
holding onto a non-refundable ticket, humming a song
Like he knows
like he knows
被塞满的巴士里 填充着拥挤的梦
that crowded bus is filled with crowded dreams
少年和他自己 迷茫地向前移动
The youth and himself move forward in confusion
攥着没法退的车票 轻哼着歌
holding onto a non-refundable ticket, humming a song
Like he knows
like he knows

耐心的人终于等到了 周围人为他鼓掌
The patient person finally gets what they've been waiting for, and people around applaud
但聚焦的光线 无视了阴影处的土壤
But the focused spotlight ignores the soil in the shadows
上一位老者 盯着马路仍然专注
An elderly person stares at the road, still focused
They say he hasn't taken a single step away since adulthood

So他是失败者 人们都嘲笑他的失态
They call him a failure, mocking his state
说他爱空想做梦 没能够顺应时代
They say he loves daydreaming and couldn't adapt to the times
耐心的人成了明星 故事也被人追捧
The patient person becomes a star, their story is praised by others
But many more like the elderly person are lumped together as "losers"

The old man doesn't mind
Dream chasers and profit-seekers find each other strange
At the bus stop of life, can you find a role to replace you?
And when will your bus come to pick you up?

看到金山 谁都想挣一个
Seeing the golden mountain, everyone wants to seize it
少时发光的眼神 有多少剩余的
How many remaining shining eyes from childhood?
不断摸爬到终点 原地不动到终年
Climbing and crawling to destination, staying in one place all year round
Who has the right to define who is the winner?


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