Use of the granular insecticide in rice crop | Stem borer control in paddy field | Abid Ali Agrarian

Описание к видео Use of the granular insecticide in rice crop | Stem borer control in paddy field | Abid Ali Agrarian

In this video, I will explain the stem borer losses in rice crop and its management by using granular insecticides.
Yellow stem borer is a serious pest in paddy fields. It causes dead heart at early stages and white heads at later stages of rice crop plants. Both conditions are painful for rice growers so rice growers need to control it on time. Yield losses may occur in heavy attack. Granular insecticides are available in market such as;
Ferterra by FMC company
Virtako by syngenta company
Regent by Bayer company
#stemborer #yellowstemborer #granularinsecticides #ferterra #virtako #abidaliagrarian


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