What if Autobots and Decepticons Were in Star Wars

Описание к видео What if Autobots and Decepticons Were in Star Wars

What if Autobots and Decepticons were in Star Wars? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Anakin surveys the top of an icy mountain peak from his command center. The CIS recently took control of that ridge. With how many troops they’ve committed to that area, Anakin knows they must be after something important.

He tries to formulate a strategy to storm the facility when Ahsoka appears beside him and points at the scanners.

Ahsoka: Uhhh, Sky Guy, you might wanna check this out.

Anakin sees the scanners are warning about an oncoming meteor shower heading towards the ridge. He watches as the largest of them disappears into the mountains, leaving a trail of fire and smoke.

If he’s lucky, it might take out some of their fortifications. Anakin is about to send out scouts when the com-link comes alive. It's a message by the battle droids that the clones intercepted. The droid commander is calling for reinforcements as blaster fire and explosions rage around them.

Then there’s a gunshot as the channel goes dead.

Anakin: It looks like we have our distraction. Prep our gunships. We’re heading out.

A few minutes later, a squadron of gunships fly towards the crash site. They find a huge crater in the center of the base, but no meteorites. What they do find are piles of broken droids and tanks, all blown to pieces and scattered everywhere. From one of the hangars, the sound of blaster fire can be heard along with the crackle of electricity.

The gunship flies down and they see what appears to be two droids fighting. One of them is small but bright yellow, with bits and pieces of a land speeder around it. The other looks to be made from what appears to be a CIS AAT. The smaller one tries to get in close to grapple, but as it nears, the AAT lowers its blaster cannon and fires, sending the little one flying.

Anakin orders the pilot to descend and give them some help. The gunship's turrets open fire and send the tank stumbling back, allowing the smaller one to get up and fire its weapon. The round strikes the tank right in the chest and sends it up in flames. The smaller droid waves them over and flashes a thumbs up.

However, as they are fighting, several droids run up to the facility, reach for one of the crates, and pull it away.

Bumblebee: Thanks for the help.

Anakin: No problem. Now mind explaining to me who you are?

Before Bumblebee can answer, the second gunship explodes in a ball of fire with a red and white starfighter flying through the inferno. Anakin and Ahsoka’s ship take evasive action, giving them a clear view of the starfighter.

As it descends, the ship begins transforming, its body morphing with countless pieces moving back and forth to create a vaguely humanoid shape. Blitzwing lands on the ground in his robot form and fires at the gunship to keep it away before turning to face Bumblebee.

The Autobot tries to fire on him, but Blitzwing lets the blaster fire bounce off his armor. He then lunges at Bumblebee and begins to jam a blade into his throat. Blue Energon pours from the wound as he withdraws the blade and prepares to finish him off.

Suddenly, Anakin leaps out of the gunship and draws his lightsaber. He lands on Blitzwing’s shoulder, momentarily distracting the Decepticon. But as he tries to shake the Jedi off, Anakin swings his lightsaber and severs his arm at the shoulder. Bumblebee takes this opportunity to jam his blaster into the larger robot's chest and opens fire.

He catches Anakin as he falls and rolls aside. From the hangar, a CIS shuttle emerges and flies off. With it, the blue glow in the facility begins to fade.

As the shuttle heads into space, it lands on a CIS ship waiting for it. One of the fighters drops from the ceiling and begins to change shape. Starscream smiles to himself as he watches the droids unload the AllSpark.

He then turns to face a hologram of Count Dooku and claps his hands together.

Starscream: Well done, Count. Your droids delivered the goods just as you promised.

Dooku: Indeed. With this artifact, there is no force in the galaxy capable of stopping us, not the Jedi, not the Autobots. Not even our masters.

Meanwhile, Bumblebee explains that he’s an Autobot, a race of machines given life by the Force itself. He was a scout sent to search for the AllSpark, a Force artifact capable of creating new transformers. He ended up on this planet as he believed the Decepticons had captured it. However, when he arrived, he found the CIS.

Anakin explains that the CIS is a group of secessionists trying to overthrow the Republic with their droid army.

Now he has another important development to report to Optimus Prime, the existence of other Force users. When the other Autobots hear about this, they propose joining forces with the Republic to try and recover the AllSpark.

Optimus Prime: As a fellow being of the Force, the Jedi should understand the dangers of letting such a power fall into the wrong hands.

Yoda: Troubling this


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