Satsangh with Dr P V Shankar - 12-12-2020

Описание к видео Satsangh with Dr P V Shankar - 12-12-2020

Dr. P. V. Shankar came to know about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as a
teenager. When his father passed away, Swami became his father,
mother, friend, Guru and God. When Dr Shankar read the Jna̅na Vahini of
Bhagavan, the very first line, “Just as thick fog is dispelled by the rays
of the sun, ignorance melts away before the powerful rays of
knowledge,” he knew deep in his heart these were the words of his
master. Instantly he believed Swami as God even before he had met
Him physically. Since then he has enjoyed the grace of Bhagavan in
abundance, and is eternally grateful for it.

Dr. Shankar has a PhD from the Indian Institute of Science in Computer
science. He was a faculty member of the School of Engineering at the
University of California at Irvine. He also served as a Chief Scientist at a
division of Motorola. Currently he is leading a startup in developing the
latest sensor technology for many state of the art applications.


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