Lonely Boy - A cover of the Andrew Gold song from 1977 by "The Shut-Inz" (A.K.A. The English Rain)

Описание к видео Lonely Boy - A cover of the Andrew Gold song from 1977 by "The Shut-Inz" (A.K.A. The English Rain)

April 2020 - This song is one that I had started a few years ago as a "One Man Band" project. A few weeks back, after our last Livestream, Chris said..."Hey, we should do some long distance recording, since we all can't be getting together in the same room. After mulling a few ideas for songs around, I decided to take this one out of hibernation, and asked the guys if they'd like to finish it with me. Thankfully, they said yes...and this is what happens when we have too much time on our hands! LOL!! 🤣THIS is only the first in a series that we have begun to record! There WILL be more of this madness soon!! We hope you enjoy..."The Shut-Ins"!! (TER is on temporary hiatus until we can actually be in the same room again! LOL! 😁)


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