BCP #28 | Why I’m NOT a “Christian” - A Messianic Jew explains

Описание к видео BCP #28 | Why I’m NOT a “Christian” - A Messianic Jew explains

Both Jews and Christians agree: a Jew who believes in Jesus (Yeshua) is now a Christian. So what reason could there possibly be for a Jewish follower of Yeshua not to want to be called a “Christian?” Is he just being disingenuous? Maybe he’s denying his faith. In this episode, Kevin explains both from the Scriptures and his personal experience, how Jews can legitimately believe in and give their lives to Yeshua, yet also retain their biblically Jewish identity—and why the whole world depends on it.

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The Biblically Correct Podcast: Teaching Biblical Correctness in a Biblically Incorrect World

Kevin Geoffrey, Messianic Jewish Teacher
Perfect Word Ministries & MJMI

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“Every Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for refuting, for setting aright, and for instruction that is in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully equipped—having been completed for every good act.” –2 Timothy 3:16, MJLT https://www.mjlt.org

#messianic #yeshua #bible


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