Notan Inspired Square Art Project

Описание к видео Notan Inspired Square Art Project

The Notan square is a great way to learn about balance in artwork, as well as contrast. All you need is some black and white paper, scissors, and glue. Notan is a combination of lights and darks, especially used in Japanese art.

-make sure the black square is 1/4 of the size of your white square (or half the width)
-If you want to fit all the pieces you cut out on the paper, make sure to not cut past the center of your black square
- cut solid shapes

Homework ideas
- make your own Japanese inspired Notan Square.
- try cutting shapes out that aren't solid and see what happens
- glue two pieces of paper that are different colors together, then the reflected pieces will be a different color.

This lesson was made by McCall for Mr Otter Studio


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