Triple H, Chyna & Michael Hayes / Doc Hendrix on Off The Record, Canadian TV, Feb 1998 OTR

Описание к видео Triple H, Chyna & Michael Hayes / Doc Hendrix on Off The Record, Canadian TV, Feb 1998 OTR

Ooof. Does knowing what’s to come for Chyna make this tough to watch?

Regardless, remember living through this period of the business in real time? Late 97 early 98? How amazing WWF was during that period? You could feel the company about to explode and everything was up in the air and every second of Monday Night Raw was electric. It would end and you would count down the hours until next Monday night.

Anyway, Im digging through a mountain of old VHS tapes from the 90s and uploading something everyday including something wrestling-related every Friday so if you wanna remember the good old days and see clips like this please subscribe- I already have some super rare interviews and footage uploaded like the disastrous HBK appearance on the Canadian Home Shopping Channel and Bret Hart on a cable TV call in show -both back in 1995. PLUS some interviews with superstars I was able to do during my run as a reporter.


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