故 이대현 목사 추모 영상 - Tribute Dr. Rev Dae Hyun Lee 1947-2024

Описание к видео 故 이대현 목사 추모 영상 - Tribute Dr. Rev Dae Hyun Lee 1947-2024

It is with great sadness we announce that on August 19th, 2024 (20th in Korea time), Dr. Rev. Dae Hyun Lee passed away at the age of 77, from his long battle with illnesses.

He received his BA of economics from Sogang University, and his M.Div. and PHD. at Hanshin University. He dedicated his entire life for ministry for 31 years until his retirement, was the founding pastor of Moritdol Presbyterian Church in Iksan, and served Iksan Presbytery as the chairman. He pioneered and establish global mission initiatives of Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea for Australia, India, Taiwan, and United Kingdom, and was deeply involved in Christian social justice through serving with Christian Ethics Movement

Throughout his life and ministry, he exemplified what it means to be faithful to God and ministry for a long time (Matthew 25:23) despite oppressions and health challenges.

He is survived by his wife Myung Ja, his two sons Sam Jun Chul, Danny Jun Young, his daughters in law YoungJi, Eunice Kwangsun, and two grandchildren - Roselynn and Levi.

The funerals will take place in Korea this Thursday and Friday. Please keep our family in your prayers.

존경하고 사랑하는 아버지 (故 이대현 목사)께서 이번주 소천 하셔서 부고 소식 드립니다. 몸이 허락했던 마지막 순간까지 하나님 나라를 섬기신 후 하나님의 품으로 돌아가셨습니다. 기도와 위로 부탁드립니다.
부고 링크 https://kakaobugo.com/m/21283

1. 고인: 이대현 목사 (1947.1.6~2024.8.20)
2. 소천일시: 2024년 8월 20일 00:30
3. 장례일정: 8월 21 (수)~23(금)
· 8/21 (수) 10:00 빈소 입실
· 8/22 (목) 15:00 입관 예배
· 8/23 (금) 6:00 발인 예배
6:30 발인
8:00 화장

4. 장소 정보
A) 장례식장: 쉴낙원 인천장례식장 (특7호실)
(주소) 인천 계양구 아나지로 552
(네이버지도) https://naver.me/x7n8QVeR
B) 화장터: 인천가족공원묘지 화장장
(주소) 인천 부평구 부평동 산57-15
(네이버지도) https://naver.me/Fr7vbNUB
C) 납골당: 인천가족공원묘지 별빛당
(주소) 인천 부평구 부평동 산54-31
(네이버지도) https://naver.me/FPnuGt0G


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