#1 Reason Not To Waste Time & Money w/ Russian Bees

Описание к видео #1 Reason Not To Waste Time & Money w/ Russian Bees

UPDATE (12-25-19) THIS Q STILL LAYING!The Ignorant, Inbred Russian Bees From Foley's Russian bees where balling the queen in this video last year! Queen #12 was one of the queens from last years mating nucs. I happened to check the colony a few days before time had run out on this queen. She had just started laying and the colony decided to ball her. I managed to save her, and I placed her in a different colony. Where she again started laying, and a year later she is still a great layer! I wonder how many new queens where killed by the IGNORANT, INBRED Russian bees that I did not catch in time!


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