Active Learning

Описание к видео Active Learning

(1) Bonwell, C.C., and J. A. Eison. (1991) Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom, ASHEERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, George Washington University, Washington, DC.
(2) Renkl, A., Atkinson, R. K., Maier, U. H., & Staley, R. (2002) From example study to problem solving: Smooth transitions help learning. Journal of Experimental Education, 70 (4), 293–315.
(3) Barnes, D. (1989) Active Learning. Leeds University TVEI Support Project. p. 19.
(4) Kyriacou, C. (1992) Active Learning in Secondary School Mathematics. British Educational Research Journal. 18 (3): 309–318.
(5) Grabinger R.S. and Dunlap J.C. (1995) Rich environments for active learning: A definition. Association for Learning Technology Journal, 3(2):5–34.
(6) Johnson, D. W.; Johnson, R. T.; Smith, K. A. (1998) Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom, (2nd ed.); Interaction Book: Edina, MN.
(7) Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2007) Cooperative learning. In P. A. Mabrouk, ed.. Active learning: Models from the analytical sciences. ACS Symposium Series, 970: 34-53. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.
(8) Hung, W., Jonassen, D. H., & Liu, R. (2008). Problem-based learning. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 3, 485-506.
(9) Herreid, C. F., & Schiller, N. A. (2013). Case studies and the flipped classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(5), 62-66.


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