Science of Stretching for Stiff Bodies

Описание к видео Science of Stretching for Stiff Bodies

There are two types of stretches: warm-up stretches designed to get blood flowing and coordinate your brain and body, and then deep stretches designed to increase your range of motion. Both are valuable, but most people looking to increase their flexibility are only doing warm-up poses and wondering why they’re not working.

For increased range, train flexibility after (not before) other training methods and follow these three principles of practice:

#1. Wet noodle. Muscles stretch best when relaxed
#2. Breathe to relax. Inhale nose 1-2-3-4, exhale mouth 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
#3. Time under passive tension matters. Aim for 2-5 min holds

Have you used Science of Stretching principles in your training?

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