The MOST IMPORTANT Core Exercise for Every Woman // Pelvic Tilts

Описание к видео The MOST IMPORTANT Core Exercise for Every Woman // Pelvic Tilts

#Shorts 💥This💥Yes - this right here is the 🙌 hands-down MOST important core/ab exercise that you could ever learn. An exaggeration? Nope, not by a long shot.

In my nearly two decades training professionally, I can't think of a more important ab exercise that YOU could ever learn.

Planks? Nope.
Bird dogs? Nah.
Bridges, chopping lifts, mountain climbers? Nope.
Sit-ups, crunches, V-ups, bicycles? Definitely NOT (in fact these ones are NOT that good for you😏)

👉 The PELVIC TILT is the best because it dictates:

✅ whether or not you get back/hip pain
✅ whether or not you're engaging all the layers of your ab muscles
✅ whether or not you can find a "neutral spine" in any other training position
✅ and so many more technical things that I won't bore you with (you'll have to just trust me on this).

➡️For more functional glute and core training exercises, be sure to check out my latest video! ➡️ [   • Core Strengthening Exercises for Back...  ](   • Core Strengthening Exercises for Back...  )

If your back or hips hurts, you better be doing pelvic tilts.
If you want better abs, you better know how to do pelvic tilts.
If you want better body awareness, control, lowered risk of injury, more athleticisim... you better be a master at pelvic tilts.

Are you catching my drift?

💥 Watch my tips here in this video, especially the "exhale". That part matters. And do these EVERY SINGLE DAY for a little while. You'll notice everything about your core and midsection improving.

🙋‍♀️ Are pelvic tilts new to you? Is this something you think you should be doing? Tell me in the comments below!!

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