Baghali Polo ba Shevid | Persian Dill Rice with Fava Beans |باقالی پلو

Описание к видео Baghali Polo ba Shevid | Persian Dill Rice with Fava Beans |باقالی پلو

Baghali Polo ba Shevid | Persian Dill Rice with Fava Beans | باقالی پلو
Ingredients of Baghali Polo:
*Rice Cooked in Persian Style (see my Persian Rice video) with tahdig (potato or lavash bread could be used - optional)
*2 bunch of dill, stems removed & cut into small pieces
*1 cup of fava beans, outer layer removed
*3 cloves of garlic, minced
*1 tbsp saffron water (optional) for decorating
salt to your taste (approx 1.5 teaspoon)
*butter or ghee for rice

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