Yiwu Gu Shu Sheng Pu'er 2003 | Aged Vintage Puerh Tea Tasting | ZhenTea

Описание к видео Yiwu Gu Shu Sheng Pu'er 2003 | Aged Vintage Puerh Tea Tasting | ZhenTea

This Yiwu Gushu Sheng Puerh tea from 2003 was such a delight to taste. It was still the beginning of making puerh tea with entirely gu shu tea leaves at the time. And the ancient tea trees in the Yiwu area haven't been overly exploited and overly plucked. So the quality of the tea at that time is far more superior compared to the current puerh tea from Yiwu despite the age of the tea.

We finally finished this tea up after more than 15 infusions (that would have been a looong video)! We noticed that even when the liquor was cold the mouthfeel was still amazing and the smokey-plummy flavor was intensified! Every aspect of this tasting was a delight. We took a close look at the brewed leaf too. Talk about silky, strong, and soft! The leaves didn't tear easily at all. Impeccable material! I really recommend you try this tea for yourself and ideally, leave a review on our website with your impressions.

❤️Puerh Tea Tasted in the Video
Yiwu Gu Shu Sheng Pu’er 2003

❤️Shop premium Pu'er (Puerh) tea
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❤️Pu’er 2002
❤️Zhanglang Dan Zhu (single tree) Gu Shu (ancient tree) Sheng Pu’er Cake – 2019
❤️Aged Gu Shu Sheng Pu’er 1999
❤️Aged Shu Pu’er 1990s

❤️Authentic fine Chinese tea

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Keep Steeping!

#gongfutea #puerh #puertea #darktea #gaiwan #yixing
00:00 intro
00:51 dry leaves of Yiwu old tree sheng/raw puerh tea
04:32 1st infusion/steep
11:20 2nd brew
19:32 3rd brew
25:24 4th infusion/steep of the tea

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