Grain to Glass - Raspberry / Blackberry Philly Sour 7.2%

Описание к видео Grain to Glass - Raspberry / Blackberry Philly Sour 7.2%

Zebra Cat Zebra: Raspberry and Blackberry
Tasting done 2 months and 1 week from brewday.

//Mash @ 151F for 60 minutes [mash 154F in the future]
//Boil 60 minutes

1.069 Original Gravity
1.014 Final Gravity [aim for higher]
7.2% ABV

60.5% Belgian Pilsner
30% Malted White Wheat
4.75% Flaked Oats
4.75% Lactose [added last 10 minutes of the boil]

30g Barbe Rouge [8.5% AA] @ 4 mins for 3.2 IBUs

2 Packets of Philly Sour

//Water (ppm)
55.5 Calcium
2.7 Magnesium
0 Sodium
55.6 Sulfate
64.9 Chloride

3 lbs. 12 oz. of Frozen Raspberries (thawed)
12 oz. of Blackberries
aged for 10 days then crashed and transferred.

Unfortunately my pH meter died for the second time and I've been without one for about a month. I wanted to take pre-fermentation and post-fermentation as well as post-fruiting pH readings this time around with Philly Sour. Failed.
Next time.

Any questions just ask.


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