Lard Biscuits made by Lovely with Lard at Sobremesa Farm Kitchen

Описание к видео Lard Biscuits made by Lovely with Lard at Sobremesa Farm Kitchen

An easy recipe that can be done super quick!
(Side note: please bare with the filming I was new to editing when I filmed and didn’t know how to edit noise out. You can hear my dogs playing in the background)

2 cups All purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
6 tbsp Cold lard (or cubed butter)
3/4 cup whole milk

Combined all dry ingredients
Using pastry cutter, cut in lard to dry ingredients. Do this till lard resembles small gravel.
Make a well and add milk. Gently fold into dry ingredients. Once mostly incorporated use hands and gently knead dough to get the last little bit incorporated. Place on work space and flatten out with hand, fold in half, quarter turn and repeat process 4-5 times.
Lightly flour surface and press dough out with hands till it’s about 1/2 in thick.
Cut out and place on cookie sheet that’s not greased.
Place in a oven at 425 and back for 10-12 min.


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