Mastering the Hooklying Position: Manual Setup Techniques

Описание к видео Mastering the Hooklying Position: Manual Setup Techniques

This video offers step-by-step instructions on properly setting up in hooklying by securing the positions of the calcaneus, foot, knee, and hip. It also emphasizes the importance of proper breathing techniques and how to achieve AP expansion in the axial skeleton. It shows how someone with manual skills such as a physical therapist, chiropractor, or athletic trainer can use their hands to help guide a patient or client into position more effectively.

For the full video showing a further progression to the hooklying x-band exercise, join us on UHP+. Start your free 3 day trial and join the hundreds of professionals and enthusiasts learning and growing the UHPC model.

#xbandexercise #hooklying #physicaltherapy #billhartmanpt #breathingtechniques


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