Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 9 Road Rash Games

Описание к видео Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 9 Road Rash Games

Of all the racing games to come out of the 16-bit era, Road Rash was always one of my favorites. It mixed the chaos of an arcade racer with the violence of a fighting game, and I was there for it. I’ve been thinking a lot about Road Rash lately, which made me wonder what Electronic Gaming Monthly thought of this combative series. What was their favorite game?

Now, in case you’re wondering, EGM reviewed a total of seven Road Rash games between 1993 and 2000. That covers a good chunk of the games and ports, right up to the final entry in the series – Jailbreak. One of the games the magazine didn’t review is the 1991 original, so I decided to include the review and score from Mega Play, EGM’s sister magazine that shared a lot of the same editorial staff and scoring system. And to make things even more fun, we’re also going to toss in the similar, but unconnected one-off, Skitchin’. What we’re going to do today is countdown the best and worst Road Rash games using Electronic Gaming Monthly’s own words and scores. There’s no editorializing here, we’re going to focus on what the critics said back when these games first came out. So, grab that chain and join a bike club, because you’re going to need all the help you can get when EGM Ranks Road Rash.

0:00 – Introduction
1:27 – Road Rash 64 (Nintendo 64)
2:02 – Skitchin’ (Genesis)
2:20 – Road Rash (PlayStation)
2:44 – Road Rash: Jailbreak (PlayStation)
3:16 – Road Rash 3D (PlayStation)
3:50 – Road Rash II (Genesis)
4:17 – Road Rash (Game Boy Color)
5:07 – Road Rash (3DO)
5:33 – Road Rash (Genesis)
6:02 – Question of the Day

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