Why You Should Start A Side Hustle

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Welcome back, dads! I’m glad you’re here for another discussion. Today, I want to talk about why you should start a side hustle and how to deal with the doubts that come along with it. I’ve been dabbling in side hustles for a few years now, and as time becomes more precious, I’ve had to seriously consider whether it’s worth continuing. Despite the challenges, I still believe there are compelling reasons to pursue a side hustle, and I want to share my thoughts with you.

The Overwhelm of Today’s World
We live in a world overflowing with responsibilities. Our calendars are packed, our to-do lists are endless, and it feels like there’s always something that needs to be done. Adding a side hustle to that mix might seem overwhelming—how can we possibly fit it in? I get it; I’ve wrestled with these doubts too. But every time I consider giving up on my side hustle, something stops me. There’s a deeper reason why I can’t let it go.

The Big Why: Family Freedom
For me, the biggest reason to start a side hustle is the desire for freedom—specifically, the freedom to be there for my family when they need me. I don’t want to be stuck at work and miss important moments like school recitals or family events. I want to control my priorities and make time for my family on my terms, not when my job allows it. This desire for freedom is why I continue to invest time in my side hustle, even when it’s tough.

Balancing the Investment
Yes, a side hustle requires time and effort. You’ll need to plan, film, edit, and strategize. It’s an investment, but it’s an investment in your future. My goal is to grow my side hustle to the point where it can replace my 9-to-5 job, allowing me to fully integrate my work and family life. When set up correctly, a side hustle can provide the flexibility to prioritize family while still achieving professional success.

Facing Doubts and Seizing Opportunities
Doubt is natural, and you’ll experience it whether you start a side hustle or not. But what’s worse—doubting your ability to succeed now, or looking back in 10 or 20 years and regretting that you never tried? The fear of missed opportunities drives me to keep going. I don’t want to look back and wish I had taken action. I want to seize opportunities while I still can. If it doesn’t work out, at least I’ll have learned valuable lessons along the way. You can always quit a side hustle, but you can’t always start one.

Final Thoughts
In the end, starting a side hustle is about taking control of your life and creating opportunities for your future. Don’t let doubts hold you back—embrace the challenge and see where it takes you.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts: Why did you start your side hustle, or what’s holding you back? Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to read them. And if you’re looking for more content, check out my next video. See you there!


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