Do you really need a mass or weight gainer powder? Here are 6 things you MUST know about weight / mass gainers. Click to watch now!
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Hey guys. Paul from Ultimate fat here, and today I'm going to tell you 6 facts about weight gainers or mass gainers. I'll be right back at you with everything you need to know in just a couple of seconds, stick around don't go anywhere...
Hey everyone, thanks so much for sticking around. If you're thinking about purchasing a weight gainer or mass gainer - one of those super high calorie protein powders that claim
to solve all your muscle gaining headaches, you're gonna be interested in these 6 things.
Like I usual, when relevant I include links to clinical studies that support my statements in the description field under this video, so be sure to check those out if you get a moment.
Alright with that out of the way,
1) Most weight gainers contain cheap forms of simple carbohydrates - like maltodextrin for example - that provide little to no nutritional value, and really do nothing more than add
calories to the formula. You really don't need to be paying for this stuff.
2) In most cases, it`s much cheaper to make your own weight gainer, and best of all you have complete control over the calories, macronutrients, and nutritional profile of the shake.
Watch for an upcoming video where I`ll give you some tips on how to make your own weight gainer.
3) Most weight gainers contain WAYYYY more protein per serving than you can possibly make use of, which essentially means it's being wasted.
How much protein you can actually consume and make use of at any one sitting is something that`s been argued about for some time. Conventional wisdom says about 20-25 grams per serving,
where newer science suggests a target intake of 0.4 g/kg/meal across a minimum of four meals in order to reach a minimum of 1.6 g/kg/day is ideal for muscle growth.
However, no matter who you want to believe when it comes to protein consumption, weight gainers deliver more than you can use in one serving.
4) "Hard gainer" is a marketing term used by the supplement industry to sell you a product you probably don't need.
Essentially, it takes a lot of time, work and discipline to build an impressive physique, and the term hard gainer taps into and supports the common misconception that if you`re not
gaining 10 lbs of rock hard muscle each and every month, then there`s something wrong with you. That`s almost never the truth.
5) Weight gainers offer a simple solution to a problem that's not always so simple.
Building muscle is not simply about consuming adequate calories; it's about training intensity, exercise selection, genetics, sex - and by sex I mean your "gender", not whether you're getting any or not, avoiding over training and getting plenty of rest, the macronutrient profiles of your diet and so on.
In other words, boosting your calories significantly may not do anything for you if you have other issues you don't address at the same time.
6) Mass gainers contain WAYYYY too many calories.
While consuming an adequate amount of calories is absolutely essential to building muscles, most of the weight you`re going to gain from taking a weight gainer is going to be
fat, all accumulating around your waist. That's because unless you're a 500 lbs. power lifter in the middle of a meet - you're simply not going to be able to utilize such a vast number of calories at once. And we all know what happens to excess calories right... yep. They get converted to fat and deposited on your waistline.
Alright guys, there you have it - 6 Crazy Facts about weight mass gainers. If you liked this video, a thumbs up or a share would be awesome, and if you've used a weight gainer, it would be great if you would leave a comment and share your experience with our viewers. What was your experience like? Would you buy a mass gainer again? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you really soon.
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