The Secret Policeman's Ball (Vinyl Rip)

Описание к видео The Secret Policeman's Ball (Vinyl Rip)

1. John Cleese & Peter Cook - Interesting Facts
2. Billy Connolly - The Country & Western Supersong
3. Michael Palin & Terry Jones - How Do You Do It?
4. Rowan Atkinson - School Master
5. Peter Cook & Eleanor Bron - Pregnancy Test
6. John Cleese & Terry Jones - The Name's The Game
7. Michael Palin & Rowan Atkinson - Stake Your Claim
8. Peter Cook - Entirely A Matter For You
9. John Cleese & Michael Palin - Cheese Shop
10. Eleanor Bron & John Fortune - Please
11. John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones & Rowan Atkinson - Four Yorkshiremen
12. Billy Connolly - Two Little Boys In Blue
13. Peter Cook & The Entire Cast - The End Of The World


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