|10| Sangsom Thai Rum | Review but Not Really

Описание к видео |10| Sangsom Thai Rum | Review but Not Really

Well, here we are. I've done ten of these bloody liquor reviews now. It was back in May 2012 that I did the first. Thinking back, whoever ran Whyte & Mackay's Twitter account retweeted it, which was nice, because all I've ever needed is encouragement.


I wanted to get to ten as it's a nice round number but now I think I'd better shake things up a bit. Time for something different - serious musings about politics or culture or the alien abduction phenomenon maybe. England is getting locked down for a month from today so I'll certainly have the time. Wine will be involved but I'm done with the hard stuff. Getting hammered on booze by myself is hardly a sustainable business model.

I'd like to do some collaborations as well. I know it's a tiny channel with hardly any views but talking nonsense and putting the world to rights is always a good time. I'm thinking of the podcast conversation kind of model. Give me a shout if that's something you fancy or you have a better idea.


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