Pak Hok Pai Tibetan Martial Arts

Описание к видео Pak Hok Pai Tibetan Martial Arts

Tibetan White Crane Pak Hok Pai 5th Generation - Singapore 1970
Martial arts' trainings were conducted by both
Master Xie Jia Bao and Senior Master Mo Chang Zhao

Local Chinese press published 1970s:
我国红十字会少年组于日前成立国术班, 并得香港白鹤体育总会导师邝本夫及白鹤武侠电影名星关德兴充任国术顾问, 名誉教练由白鹤名拳师陈克夫及倪沃棠担任, 教练则由本国白鹤名师莫常兆及白鹤后起之秀谢家宝担任, 该班课程除了八拳, 六力拳, 出入步, 铁练拳, 五形拳, 天罡拳, 罗汉拳, 金刚拳, 罗汉出洞, 金刚棒, 五郎三十六枪, 白虎刀, 蟠龙棒, 盘马剑, 罗汉剑。

Supreme Grandmaster Lama Sheng Long (Sing Lung) 升隆長老
Great Grandmaster Huang Lin Kai (Wong Lam Hoi) 黃林開
Grandmaster Wu Zhao Zhong (Ng Siu Chung) 吳肇鍾 / wife Huang Hui Juan 黃慧娟 - Pak Hok Pai 1st Generation
Greatmaster Liang Zi An (Leung Chi Um) 梁子庵 - Singapore, 2nd Generation
Senior Master Mo Chang Zhao (Mok Siong Siew) 莫常兆 (永孝) - Singapore, 3rd Generation
Master Xie Jia Bao (Chia Kah Poh) 謝家寶 - Singapore, 4th Generation

History of Tibetan White Crane Pak Hok Pai:

Pak Hok Pai lineage:

Acknowledgement - Video designed by Iwan


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