Outdoor electroluminescence on PV systems: the video by MRP Energy

Описание к видео Outdoor electroluminescence on PV systems: the video by MRP Energy

MRP performs outdoor electroluminescence analyzes since 2013 and we currently inspect about 100,000 modules per year worldwide.

The EL analysis makes possible to identify, directly in the field, a whole series of defects and problems that may affect a PV system.
The most common defects recognizable with electroluminescence are:
☼ PID effect;
☼ microcracks;
☼ bad contacts on the ribbons;
☼ black cells ("dead" cells);
☼ mismatch between cells;
☼ product defects;

This analysis can be carried out without dismounting the modules, thus allowing to evaluate the status of several hundreds of modules in a few hours during a night-time survey.

For information, purchase, service, advice and training visit the website: www.mrpenergy.it


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