绿豆沙馅料 │ 绿豆用蒸还是煮比较好?难道有秘密吗?Mung bean paste 【ENG SUB】

Описание к видео 绿豆沙馅料 │ 绿豆用蒸还是煮比较好?难道有秘密吗?Mung bean paste 【ENG SUB】

绿豆沙馅料 Mung bean paste / Mung bean filling




   / @haoskitchen  

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1. 去皮绿豆清洗干净,浸泡3小时至颜色发白。
2. 泡好的绿豆用蒸或煮的方式煮10分钟至绿豆软烂。
3. 煮好的绿豆打成绿豆泥。
4. 绿豆泥加入炼乳和黄油,把它炒干。
5. 炒干的绿豆沙放凉后就可以直接使用了。

1. 去皮绿豆颜色非常黄,需要清洗很多遍。
2. 绿豆很容易糊底,水煮过程中要偶尔搅拌。
3. 打成绿豆泥之前先滤掉一部分的水,这样可以大大缩短炒制的时间。
4. 打绿豆泥的时候,实在搅不动才适量加一点水。
5. 炒制的过程要不停翻炒,水分才蒸发得快,馅料比较快炒干。
6. 剩余的绿豆沙可以冷冻保存,下次要用再拿出来解冻就可以了。

It is not difficult to make mung bean paste fillings, but it takes a little patience to fry it. The method of cooking mung beans can be pressure cooker, steaming and boiling. With a pressure cooker, there is no need to soak mung beans. Wash the peeled mung beans and put them in a pressure cooker. Add twice as much water as the mung beans and press them over medium heat for 5 minutes. Soak the mung beans for 3 hours in steaming and boiling to soften the mung beans. For steaming, put it directly on the pot and steam it over high heat for 10 minutes. It’s the same for boiling for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally over medium heat to avoid sticking bottom.

During the boiling process, there will be a layer of foam on the water surface. Can these foams be eaten? What exactly is it? I will explain them in the video. At that time, you can decide yourself which way you want to cook mung beans.

Peel mung beans. . . 400g
Condensed milk/sugar. . . 130g
Butter/ vegetable oil. . . 30g
water. . . Right amount

1. Wash the peeled mung beans and soak for 3 hours until the color turns white.
*If you use a pressure cooker, there is no need to soak mung beans, just add water and heat for 5 minutes.
2. The soaked mung beans are steamed or boiled for 10 minutes until the mung beans are soft and rotten.
3. The cooked mung beans are beaten into mung bean paste.
4. Add condensed milk and butter and fry it dry.
5. The fried mung bean paste can be used directly after letting it cool.

1. Peeled mung beans are very yellow in color and need to be washed many times.
2. Mung beans are easy to stick to the bottom, and occasionally stir them during the boiling process.
3. Filter out part of the water before making mung bean puree, which can greatly shorten the frying time.
4. When making mung bean puree, just add a little water if you can't stir it.
5. In the process of frying, stir constantly, so that the water will evaporate quickly and the filling will dry faster.
6. The remaining mung bean paste can be frozen and stored, and you can use it next time with just thaw it.

🎵 Track Info:
Title : Touching Moment
Artist : Wayne Jones
Genre : Cinematic
Mood : Romantic

#绿豆沙 #绿豆馅 #红龟糕


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