Ages - JMH (je moerhussel)

Описание к видео Ages - JMH (je moerhussel)

Talking about bandnames that Americans couldn't pronounce - Je Moerhussel would be a good one. Any marketeer would say it's not a good bandname for that reason, but at Hieperdepiep we don't care, or we wouldnt named ourselves Hieperdepiep, would we? What does the name mean? Well, even in Dutch its not entirely clear. It sound like hustling your mom, but moer also means moor, and Mierlo, where I live, is famous for its moor fields. Hustling the moor fields? Bro, what you been smokin? Yeah yeah, I know.

I love about these times how all talents can start to bloom. I have been working as a designer for like 20 years and while it was not my original talent over the years I have gotten pretty good at it, and I love this poster I made for JMH and the nuances of the colors, and especially the gold salamander on her shoulders.

I had some real problems with this track as i was trying a new loudness compresser, APU Loudness compressor, which is pretty neat, but also causes all sound to not be send to the stereo out if you choose some settings for some reason, and as I didnt know this plugin was the cause it took me two hours to figure out thats what was wrong.


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