Dean Winchester: Best TV Character

Описание к видео Dean Winchester: Best TV Character

Dean Winchester is 30% writing and 70% Jensen Ackles. It's incredible how much detail Jensen brings into his acting... it's subtle, it's small... and it makes all the difference in the world. He lives and breathes Dean Winchester - he gives such heartfelt, outstanding performances that it blows my mind over and over again.

-the horror in his eyes when Sammy gets hurt
- the way he averts his eyes when things get uncomfortable
- the way his eyes ALWAYS show exactly what Dean's feeling.
- the way his voice cracks when things get too emotional
- the way he mumbles and stumbles over words so damn naturally...

His talent needs to be seen by a bigger audience. I really, really hope he's gonna make it as an actor on the big screen... such talent shall not go unnoticed.


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