Cairnryan Military Port

Описание к видео Cairnryan Military Port

From U-Boats to the Ark Royal.

During World War 2, the country needed a ‘spare’ deep water port on the west coast in case the Clyde in Glasgow or the Mersey in Liverpool became unusable due to enemy action. Loch Ryan was ideal, and Number 2 Military Port was built on its northern shore at Cairnryan between 1941 and 1943.

At the end of the war, the German U-boat fleet surrendered and was docked here and at Lishally in Ireland. The winter of 1945/1946 saw these feared submarines, which had sent so many ships to the bottom, towed out into deep water and sunk – this was called Operation Deadllight.

The site remained a military port into the 1960’s, when two of the piers were dismantled. The third was used for shipbreaking, and several Royal Navy vessels fell to the scrap man’s torch here, including the Ark Royal.

Today, the remains of the third pier remain visible – it is very unsafe, so please don’t try to walk along it. The deep water port is now a very busy port with daily sailings to Ireland.

#SouthwestScotland #Scotland #Warhistory


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