How to do staggered pushups and benefits of staggered hand pushups

Описание к видео How to do staggered pushups and benefits of staggered hand pushups

Staggered PushUp – For An Amazingly Toned Body - How to and benefits

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Staggered pushups is a bodyweight exercise executed in the prone position by bending the elbows at 90-degree angle. This exercise requires the use of core strength as much as it requires the upper body during performance. A staggered pushup is considered as an advanced exercise that incorporates chest, shoulder, triceps, and core muscles.

Staggered pushup is an excellent exercise as it recruits multiple joints and muscle groups during the movements. The primary muscles that this workout works on are the deltoids, pectoralis major, triceps and gluteus muscle. It is essential the staggered pushup and the core must work simultaneously to achieve optimal performance.

Staggered pushup is known for its ability to help strengthen the upper body muscle. It also helps to tone the body, by assisting in quick unwanted weight and fat loss. It has the ability to work on the core as well, thus improving it overall ability.


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