Kalinga narthana thillana by Gaura Nataraj das

Описание к видео Kalinga narthana thillana by Gaura Nataraj das

A composition of great Oothukkadu Venkata Kavi in ragam Suruti.
This is my adoption of original choreography by Jayalakshmi Eshwar.
Once little Krishna and his friends were playing ball at this very place. Then suddenly the ball fell into the lake, and all the boys were scared to go into the water as they knew that the huge thousand headed serpent lived there and poisoned the waters of the lake. Then Krishna said: “don’t worry! I will go and get the ball! He climbed up the tree and jumped into the water! Immediately the serpent got disturbed by this boy and wanted to attack Him, but Krishna caught the serpent by the tail and started His divine dance on the hoods of the serpent. Then finally the serpent got exhausted and surrendered to Krishna”. Our mind is like clear water of the lake which was poisoned by the serpent of our ego. To conquer our ego and relieve us from pride, arrogance and such Krishna performs His divine dance.


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