Krishna Thandavam

Описание к видео Krishna Thandavam

Choreograpy: Sangeeta Isvaran
Performed by Gaura Nataraj [email protected]
With his lotus-like feet on the banks of the Yamuna river dances Krishna- the enchanting one, the one whose eyes are shaped like lotus petals, the one in whose smile the world is delighted. The beautiful blue-colored one, the mischievious one, the one who blesses the whole world is dancing on the tumultuously moving serpent. With footsteps softer than lotus petals, on the turbulent waves, adorned by drops of water, he dances and dances. His beautiful effulgent limbs are making the sun look dark. Just like a bee he drinks the nectar from the lotuslike hearts of his devotees. He has a sindoor tilak on his forehead, unusual beauty, and a majestic face, and his feet are rapidly hitting the hoods of the serpent. He is the son of Nanda, the thief of butter and yogurt, he is the gem glowing like the moon, protector of the world created by Brahma. Victory to you, son of Nanda! You are the adorable child who holds the people of Vraj in rapture, the valiant one delighting in dancing on the Kalinga serpent, the one whose very form is the mood of compassion (karuna rasa). You are the youthful son of the Vraj region, who is adorned with a garland of forest flowers, and you always accomplish your goals. By your wonderful, indescribable dance, which is energetic like the flash of lightning, you generate awe and amazement. You vanquished the offspring of Diti (the demons), and you are venerated by Brahma, the creator. You have a unique blue color, and you are rapidly stepping on the serpent’s hoods. The movement of your feet and hands gives great happiness to us. The melodies of your flute give ecstatic passion; you produce music that enchants all the worlds. Dangling on your feet are anklets made from the slender stalks of kadamba flowers. After being released from the coils of the serpent, your feet are swiftly dancing on its head. Your face is shining with the moon’s beauty, your bangles and anklets are chiming, and you are adorned with golden jewelry.
Oh compassionate one, like the stinger of a honey-intoxicated bee, with your ever-moving lotus-petal-like eyes, you are an expert in stealing the hearts of even pure sages.


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