Kayan/佳妍 - DREAMWALKERS/夢孃-霓虹港的迴響 OST

Описание к видео Kayan/佳妍 - DREAMWALKERS/夢孃-霓虹港的迴響 OST

Kayan/佳妍 - © 2024 Alex Bähre / Minstrel Creative. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


They sat in companionable silence for a while, the sounds of the park acting as a gentle lullaby to soothe Myu's frazzled nerves. The laughter of children playing, and the distant hum of the city, all served to remind her that there was still beauty in the world, a world she often forgot in the shadow of her nightly responsibilities. The bouquet of flowers lay on her lap, a silent testament to the life she had saved.

With a soft sigh, Kayan opened her violin case, the polished wood catching the last rays of the setting sun. She carefully lifted out her instrument, its smooth curves and shimmering strings standing in stark contrast to the city's harsh reality just beyond the park's edge. As she placed the bow against the strings, her eyes closed, and she began to draw it back and forth, letting the music flow from deep within her. The melody she created was hauntingly beautiful, a tapestry of love and loss, hope and despair. It wove through Myu, reaching the very heart of her being.

The notes swirled around them, wrapping them in a sound that shuts out the outside world. Myu leaned against the bench, flowers resting gently on her lap, and allowed the music to envelop her. Each note was a tender caress, soothing her tired soul. As twilight stretched its shadows, the world around them seemed to dissolve into a soft canvas of evening hues. In that fleeting moment of calm amidst her turbulent life, Myu clung to the serenity with all her might.

The music grew more impassioned, the bow moving more fervently across the strings, the melody transforming into a wild dance of intensity. Myu's breath caught as the vibrations stirred something profound within her. Her hand instinctively moved to her chest, her heartbeat quickening in sync with the crescendo.

As the final note faded into the night, Myu looked at Kayan, whose face was bathed in the gentle glow of dusk. Her cheeks were flushed from the exertion, her eyes closed in deep concentration. The grace with which she held the violin and how her fingers danced across the strings made her seem to be one with the instrument itself. At that moment, Myu saw not only her friend but also an artist and a maestro whose music could soothe the most troubled of souls.

"That was... amazing," she murmured, her voice full of genuine awe.

Kayan's eyes opened, a shy smile curving her lips. "It’s just a piece I composed," she said, her cheeks tinged with pink. "For moments like this."

Myu nodded, her heart still racing from the music's intensity. "It’s perfect," she whispered. "It’s like you’re speaking to my soul."

Kayan’s smile widened, her eyes gleaming with delight. "That’s what music is meant to do," she said softly. "To connect us, to heal us."



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