Rotoscoping Vegas Pro / Lord Of Mask / Practical Guide, Rotoscoping Style Animation

Описание к видео Rotoscoping Vegas Pro / Lord Of Mask / Practical Guide, Rotoscoping Style Animation

If you like Rotoscoping animation, it is worth trying this method within the Vegas Pro editor, although it is not a program for this art, you will see that here it is possible to do it and not only that, but to do it in a very simple way. Now we will check it with the following written guide, in case any point has not been clear in the video.

written guide:
0:25 From the beginning we are inserting the tracks according to what we need or we could do a check of our character and based on everything that composes, insert all the parts at once, either of the two ways is correct .
In each track the corresponding solid for each part must go, do not forget to lower its opacity to see the reference behind.

2:58 You can copy parts of the character like the leg or arm and reposition on the missing side. Or start a new arm or leg, that will depend on you.

5:37 Turn off tracks you don't use to save memory and prevent the program from crashing

6:30 Here you must cut track fragments, this is necessary because certain elements of the animation are only seen at certain times and not all the time as some part of the body would be. In this case it would be the teeth, which can only be seen when the character's mouth is opened.

8:45 This is the type of zoom that will help you in Vegas to draw or mold masks with more precision. To achieve this you must have a master track. We have seen this in past guides, where we nested track sets as secondary. It has been seen in the bone animation video available on the channel.

9:15 Can you see here in this part of the video that I have created the lip lines in the solid yellow? Well, you can do it whenever lines suddenly appear in the animation that weren't there before. Just draw them when you need them to appear.

11:50 Tip: When you zoom the area many times, you will not only increase the size but also change the position... all this will help you to improve detail of the drawing, but once you finish you must return to the original size and position, for so you should keep the initial frame. To do this, move it forward in the timeline, create the zoom and position frames you need without fear of changing anything.

14:12 When doing the rotoscoping we generate intermediate frames that were not in the original animation, these are interpolations and many of these frames are not seen even though they are there. some do not know how to fully interpret the movements we need, so we only have to fix them manually. Why are we doing it like that? It's just a matter of taste since it increases the FPS which makes the animation look smoother.

15:17 Just as the movement frames are distorted by not interpreting them correctly, at this minute of the video we can see that the same thing happens with the masks, we must correct it and adapt it correctly to the drawing.

16:40 In this part I add a new track for the line of the tooth that lasts only in that small time of the animation.

17:28 We draw the contour of the animation, the lines of the drawing or Line Art, it would be the final part of the work.

18:18 And here we correct the last details such as the joints of some of the parts, such as arms and legs

20:35 Thanks for watching

PS: I forgot something, do you like Plankton??. If the answer is yes. Here you have it below. hahahaha no not really here it is:


Spoiler: It's a Veg file so you can examine it and see how it's made, apart from that it comes with a surprise, haha it's true no joke.

Sound:    • CYBERPUNK 777 EBM rhythmic track with...  

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