Como, Colorado 1929-2018

Описание к видео Como, Colorado 1929-2018

Como, Colorado was once the division point for the Denver, South Park & Pacific, which eventually became the Colorado & Southern Railway. The line from Denver reached Como and then split with one route to Gunnison via the Alpine Tunnel and the other over Boreas Pass and onto Leadville.

Incredible work has been done in the last several years to restore the roundhouse, turntable, and depot. New track has been laid and excursions are run occasionally with a steam locomotive.

I visited Como in 2018 for the first time since my first visit in 2004. The restoration is simply mind-boggling as you can see in the differences of the photos.

If you haven't been to Como, this will give you a small look at the dramatic changes that have happened and a look inside the 1881 roundhouse. In just the year since we visited in 2018, more rolling stock has arrived and more track has been laid. These are exciting times for those with a passion for the DSP&P/C&S!

Photo Credits:
*Last train near hotel, April 10, 1937 John Bon Oshier Family Collection from South Park's Gunnison Division Memories & Then Some by Tom and Denise Klinger

*Last passenger train in front of depot and hotel-Richard Jackson photo-from

*C&S 10 at the Como depot, in 1929 R.B. Jackson photo from Pictorial Supplement to the DSP&P: Abridged Edition

*Last train, straight on, next to Como depot, April 10, 1937 R.B. Jackson Photo - Tom Klinger Collection from C&S Highline Memories and Then Some by Tom & Denise Klinger

All photos from 2004-2018, Kurt Maechner


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